Registration is now open!

Abstract submission deadline: 15 September 2014

Registration deadline: 10 October 2014


The places for this event are limited. Priority will be given to people submitting abstracts. If you register but can no longer attend, please email the organising committee to give an opportunity to other people to participate.



The organising committee strongly encourages students and young scientists to actively participate in the Symposium by submitting their abstracts. We look forward to receiving your abstracts for oral and poster presentations.

  • Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • Registration is open to undergraduates, Master and PhD students, post-doctoral and early career scientists.
  • Submitted abstracts should be relevant in terms of scientific value and ethics.
  • Abstracts should be written in English. Please check that your abstract contains the correct grammar and spelling.
  • Abbreviations can be used after writing the full phrase first.
  • The abstract title should not exceed 20 words and abstract itself 250 words.
  • No images, figures or tables are accepted in the abstracts.
  • Once submitted, your abstract cannot be modified. If you experience problems with your submission or would like to change your abstract, please contact the organising committee.



  • Posters will be selected from abstract submissions.
  • The maximum poster size is A0, which is 841 x 1189 mm (33.1 x 46.8 in).
  • The poster orientation should be portrait.



Some participants might require a visa to travel to France. In particular cases, to obtain a visa, a participant is asked to present an 'official letter of invitation' to the embassy. Official letters of invitation will only be issued by the organising committee when the individual has completed the following criteria:

1) Registration and abstract submission have been accepted by the organising committee.

2) The letter from the head of their academic department on the University headed paper has been received. This letter should state the reason for attending the meeting.

The letters of invitation do not imply commitment of financial or other support by the organisers.


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