ABOUT USORGANISING COMMITTEE We are a group of young scientists and PhD students from the IGDR organising the symposium. Ewa Blaszczak (PhD student) Dr. Agata Cena (Post-doc) Dr. Yann Cesbron (Post-doc) Dr. Maria Demidova (Post-doc) Olivia Gavard (PhD student) Dr. Blanca Gomez-Escoda (Post-doc) Pauline Hascoët (PhD student)
CONTACT US Institute of Genetics and Development of Rennes (IGDR) Email: yls2014@sciencesconf.org Tel. +33
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE The scientists of the IGDR will select abstracts for talks and award prizes for the best talks and posters. Dr. Sébastien Huet Dr. Claude Prigent Dr. Gwénaël Rabut Dr. Erwan Watrin
COMMUNICATION D. Petroff (Communication Officer at IGDR)
PHOTOGRAPHY Original photography on our website and our social media. Dr. Gaëtan Herbomel (Post-doc) Ewa Blaszczak (PhD student)
PATRONAGE: The Biochemical Society Charles Darwin House Email: membership@biochemistry.org Tel. +44 For more details on the membership of the Biochemical Society please click here.